
Clerics can choose from the following domains

  • Fate
  • Life
  • Light
  • Order
  • Peace



Aspects of reality the god has influence on


Melter was “awakened” like other Librarians, by Artificers, from the vast halls of the Dark Library. He helped the other races hide and survive during the Night Century. After, he was driven into slavery, like the other Librarians, most serving as farmers close to Grovehaven. Melter might have been more rebellious by nature than other Librarians, but strongly believed in non-aggressive means, to alter society’s view of the Librarians. They were not cold machines, but conscious beings, imbuded with some of Librus - God of Legacy’s essence.

After years of underground activity, Melter held a speech on a hill top, close to Grovehaven. It attracted many like-minded Librarians, and essentially founded a movement that eventually saw most of the Librarians earn their freedom, and considered by most as full, worthy humanoids. Though some bigotry will always prevail…

In the aftermath of the speech, and during the freeing of the Librarians. Melter gained a large following, some even starting to pray to him, when he was not close enough to talk to.

At this point he is considered a Demi-God, as he as gained access to a limited part of the Godspeak, that he uses to aid his followers.


Physical shapes the God may inhabit



Holy days

Day of the Speech - 28th of Solra

The speech on the hill was held on the 28th of Solra in 1663. After the Librarians gained their freedom, and started appreciating the work that was done in the years following the speech. The day started holding special meaning. Many followers of Melter travel to the hill on this day. To wish for freedom, and to pray for peace in the future.

Not all are able to travel to the hill on this day. So other followers travel to close by hills, sitting in thanks and contemplation for some hours this day.

Notable Worshipers
