You are a survivor of the Magical Cataclysm that befell Northelm and you fled and survived. But at some point during the disaster you were hit with an overload of death-magic. This changed you permanently.

This Lineage can be applied to any existing character of an organic race. Meaning, apply a normal race first, then apply the Lineage after.


Remove all traits given to you by your subrace (except Ability-score increases). If the original race had no subrace, talk to the DM how to balance the addition of this template.

  • Move up to 2 points from your physical Ability Scores points (Strength, Dexterity and/or Constitution) to your mental Ability Scores (Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma). For Example: Move 1 point from Strength, and on from Constitution, and add them to Charisma. Meaning -1 Strength, -1 Constitution & +2 Charisma.
  • Friendliness from Undead Undead will not be automatically hostile to you, but view you as “one of their own”. They will however react violently if you attack them first (you get sneak attack i possible), and they will be hostile to others around you (the others in the party).
  • Cold and Necrotic Resistance. You gain Cold and Necrotic Resistance, if you already had this Resistance, you gain Immunity instead.

Cosmetical changes

Choose 1 or 2 of these cosmetic changes to your character.

  • Your pupils are white
  • You smell a tiny bit like rotting flesh.
  • Your hair is white, or has stripes of chalk white in it..
  • Your skin has a pale, glossy, marble like quality.
  • You have a wound that wont heal properly, but it gives you no great discomfort…