At first sight

Aina is very glad to have customers. She is fast to compliment her guests. Her shop “Aina’s Ore and More” in the middle of Prinberg, is a staple. She gladly shares in gossip. She doesn’t travel out of Prinberg much herself, but has tradespeople who sh has standing deals with who come through the town portal.

Description Store

As you step into Aina’s Ore and More General Store, the first thing that strikes you is the rich medley of scents that fills the air: the earthy aroma of dried herbs and grains, the sharp tang of metal from the silver trinkets adorning the walls, and the comforting smell of oil and leather from the various tools and supplies. The room is alive with the faint creak of wooden floorboards underfoot and the soft clink of trinkets swaying gently on their hooks.

The store front room is spacious, with shelves brimming with travel rations, neatly folded cloths, torches, and sacks of salt and grains. The walls are dotted with glimmering silver trinkets, catching the light. Crates filled with various goods are stacked neatly in corners, while a sturdy table and chair near a bookshelf create a cozy nook for browsing through books for sale.

Behind the counter stands Aina, the store’s small but spirited platynix owner. Her expressive eyes flash with determination as she engages in a heated discussion with Tangra, an elderly nøkkans with blue-tinted skin. Their voices rise and fall, the topic of the town’s teleportation portal igniting their passion. Tangra’s voice, sharp and insistent, contrasts with Aina’s softer yet equally fervent tones, filling the room with an electric energy. They seem to be agreeing with each other, but having a hard time ending on a conclusion.

A large Trollkin sits at the table Dakren Frostveil, absorbed in a book while sipping from a large mug of milk. His presence is a silent counterpoint to the animated conversation, his eyes occasionally glancing up from his book to the scene unfolding at the counter, but he remains distant and undisturbed. He has a greataxe leaned up against his chair.

A door at the back of the room probably leads to the equally large storage room, judging by the size of the house you walked into.




Physical features

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Catchphrase or Motto





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Relation to NPCs

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