
Clerics can choose from the following domains

  • Life
  • Light
  • Nature
  • Peace
  • Twilight



Aspects of reality the god has influence on


The petrified Hallmthr, the All-mother, sleeps. She died so we could live on her back. She is the world, which we dig into for safety. Or so is the old faith of the Trollkin.

To many, she is still a demi-goddess of Safety, of seeking refuge and for safe passage through mountains and in caves. Miners might offer her a prayer before starting the day’s shift.


Old Trollkin witch, a moving hill, living moss, a smiling mountain.

Relationships to other gods and demi-gods


The Trollkin would describe Hallmthr as an unchanging, patient, and eternal force that provides them with shelter and sustenance, while also keeping the secrets and strength of the earth hidden beneath the surface. They would view her as the ultimate mother, whose body they inhabit and whose patience they must honor.

Hallmthr, the Sleeping Earthmother

“Hallmthr is the rock, the stone, the earth beneath our feet. She is the one who cradles us, the one whose body we walk upon and whose veins of metal and stone we carve to sustain our lives. While Gjerthr may bless the surface-dwellers with their green fields and tall trees, it is Hallmthr who watches over us in the deep. Her slumber keeps the earth still, but we know she is listening. In every rumble of the cave, in every tremor of the ground, we hear her breath.”

The Eternal and Unmoving One

“Hallmthr does not move like the wind or grow like the trees. She is eternal, unchanging, and patient. She waits, for she knows time better than any of us. We carve our tunnels, but it is Hallmthr who grants us the stone to shape. We delve into her flesh, knowing that she provides it freely, though we must always remember to honor her and never take more than is needed.”

The Beneath-Mother

“Hallmthr is more than the rock we dig. She is the cavern itself, a mother with arms that encircle us in the deepest dark. When the surface world turned hostile during the dark century, it was she who gave us shelter. She watches over our dead, who return to her embrace. There is no fear in returning to Hallmthr, for to become one with the earth is to join her eternal strength.”

The One Who Knows the Depths

“Hallmthr knows the secrets buried deep, the veins of silver and gold, the bones of ancient beasts, and the power of the world’s core. The deeper we dig, the closer we come to her true self, though none of us will ever see her face. We listen to her whispers through the cracks in the stone, through the deep tremors that speak of things older than time.”

Hallmthr, the Keeper of the Forgotten

“Hallmthr remembers what the surface forgets. When the sun dims and life above falters, it is she who keeps the memory of life alive in the roots and the buried seeds. Though she sleeps, she holds the stories of all who have passed. She is the keeper of forgotten things, the guardian of what was lost to time.”

Hallmthr’s Silence

“Hallmthr is silent, unlike Gjerthr, who dances in the wind and sings in the leaves. But her silence is not absence. It is a deep, unyielding strength. We feel her presence in the quiet of the caverns, in the stillness of the stone. She speaks in her own way—through the weight of the earth, the cold of the caves, and the pulse of molten stone far below.”


Holy days

Notable Worshipers
