At first sight

Friggar is the innkeeper of Prinbergs Inn, The Silver Nugget - Inn, or just “the Nugget” for short.

Friggar is a very friendly character, but he can raise to the occasion when need be. Rowdy miners he can usually coerce out of the Inn with friendly words alone. But he is a skilled grappler and knows a lot about drunk Trollkin’s weak spots…

The Inn is very dependant on the income from their alcohol sales, as tourism has dwindled along with the Teleportation Circle becoming unstable in Prinberg.

Description Inn

[!Description: The Nugget] The Silver Nugget Inn stands proudly at the edge of a bustling, cobbled square, its multi-storied facade a charming blend of weathered stone and rich, dark timber. The inn’s top floor, presumably reserved for guests, boasts quaint, shuttered windows that overlook the square below. The aroma of hearty stews and freshly baked bread wafts from the back of the inn, mingling with the more subtle scent of herbs drying in the summer sun.

The sounds of bustling activity fill the air, from the rhythmic clatter of pots and pans to the cheerful chatter of townsfolk going about their day. Amidst this lively scene, an old, wise-looking dog (Shadow) sits vigilantly by the entrance. His graying muzzle and calm demeanor lend an air of quiet authority. He sniffs each passerby with a discerning nose, ensuring only those deemed worthy may enter.

Above the entrance, a large piece of gleaming silver ore is prominently displayed, serving as the inn’s only sign. Its polished surface catches the light, casting a soft, inviting glow.




Physical features

Body Face Fitness

Catchphrase or Motto

Want another tankard?

