At first sight

Lily lived a life as a human, but died, her husband Busgar transferring her soul to a machine body. She is caring, working as a chef for her husband and the local guard. Being a chef is a bit hard for her, seeing as she has no sense of taste or smell in her new body.

Description barracks lodging

Your room on the second floor of the military barracks is a modest, utilitarian space that reflects the rugged lifestyle of Prinberg’s guards. As you step inside, the faint scent of wood polish and old stone greets you, mingling with the moldy, earthy smells wafting in from the stables just outside the window.

Three sturdy, though somewhat worn, bunk beds line the walls, their frames creaking slightly with age. The mattresses are thin and lumpy, covered in coarse woolen blankets that have seen better days. Each bed has a small pillow that feels more like a compacted bundle of straw than a comfortable headrest.

A single window, small and slightly grimy, offers a view of the stables below. The occasional whinny of a horse and the sounds of hooves clattering against the cobblestones drift up, adding a rustic charm to the otherwise austere room. The walls, bare and unadorned, are a dull gray, their paint peeling in places and revealing the raw wood beneath.

Each member of the party has a small wooden chest at the foot of their bed, simple but functional, with iron clasps that can be locked to safeguard personal belongings. The chests show signs of heavy use, with scratches and dents marking their surfaces.

In one corner of the room, a modest wooden potty sits discreetly, a pragmatic solution given the detached toilet facilities. The floorboards are uneven and creak underfoot, adding to the sense of antiquity and wear.

A single, dim oil lamp hangs from a hook in the ceiling, casting a warm, flickering glow that barely reaches the corners of the room. The shadows it creates dance across the walls, giving the space a somewhat eerie, yet cozy, ambiance.




She shows extra concern, making sure everyone has enough food.

Physical features

Body Face Fitness

Catchphrase or Motto

You hungry?





Relation to player characters

Relation to NPCs

RelationNameRelationship levelComments
HusbandBusgar Elthorp (Guard Captain)5Her husband is a tough and cynical man, but she loves him.

Relation to Factions

